Christian group praying for globe and people around the world on wooden table with bible. Christian small group praying together around a wooden table with bible page in homeroom.

What is Mobilization?

In the medical world, mobilization is defined as the process by which normal function is restored to the body.

In a very similar way Mobilization, in the Christian understanding, is the restoration of normal function to the body of Christ.

There are 3 levels of Mobilization

Level 2

Specific Mobilization

The goal of specific mobilization is to provide specific training for the ministry of reconciliation. We typically call this process discipleship and often involves serving opportunities and mentorship to sharpen ministry skills.

Level 3

Field Mobilization

The goal of field mobilization is to see trained ministry workers with a Biblical worldview placed strategically and sensitively into field ministry situations. There should be worker care included with this, to help workers overcome trials along the way.

Why Mobilize?

The need is so great


40% of the world is still living in darkness without a way of hearing the gospel


4% of American adults, the Cultural leaders of the world, have a biblical worldview.

Source: Barna, 2023

Worldview Of A Child

“The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore PRAY the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

-Matthew 9:37

How do I get mobilized?

It all begins with level 1 mobilization

The Kairos Course

KAIROS is a foundational Worldview Discipleship Course designed to: Educate, Inspire, and Challenge.

KAIROS will:

  • Change the way you read the Bible
  • Teach you how to engage cross-culturally
  • Inspire you to take action
  • Help you to clarify your role in God's mission and begin equipping you to carry it out.

KAIROS Covers these 4 dimensions of World Mission

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The Unfinished Story

for Youth

The Unfinished Story for Youth (TUSFY) is a highly-engaging, interactive Worldview Discipleship Course designed to bring young believers on a fast-paced journey through the Biblical calling of all believers into mission with God.

Watch this video for all the details!

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